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Testing nodejs harmony generator method

Suppose you have the following JS function:

function YourProxy($orm, $usr) {

     this.addToDB = function(obj) {
     /* Do some validation on obj */
        return function(callback){
            var oo = $orm.createNew(obj);
  , function(err,ok){
                if(err) callback(err);

which you can use on node.js with ES6 generators to wait for that operation to happen with something like:

function *(){
    var yourProxy = new YourProxy();
    try {
        var result = yield yourProxy.addToDB(anObject);
    } catch(e) { 
        /* Something went wrong sync. Here you have err from save's callback */
    /* result contains ok, the one from save's callback */

To test that I've done something like this, using mocha and sinon (and mocha-sinon):

describe('addToDB', function(){
    it('adds the object to the db', function(){
        var callback = sinon.spy();
        expect( callback );

but all I got is that the callback is never called because addToDB() exits before the save's callback gets called.

How would you test that?


  • Try using co-mocha and yield the generator as you did it in your example.

    describe('addToDB', function(){
        it('adds the object to the db', function* (){
            var callback = sinon.spy();
            yield myProxy.addToDB(anObject)(callback);
            expect( callback );