I want to determine if a given string matches - ignoring case - one of the elements in a List<String>
I'm trying to achieve this with Java 8 streams. Here's my attempt using .orElse(false)
public static boolean listContainsTestWord(List<String> list, String search) {
if (list != null && search != null) {
return list.stream().filter(value -> value.equalsIgnoreCase(search))
return false;
but that doesn't compile.
How should I code it to return whether a match is found or not?
It's a one-liner:
public static boolean listContainsTestWord(List<String> list, String search) {
return list != null && search != null && list.stream().anyMatch(search::equalsIgnoreCase);
Don't even bother with a method:
if (list != null && search != null && list.stream().anyMatch("someString"::equalsIgnoreCase))