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General angular ng-repeat and track by $index

Just a general question about using track by $index in an ng-repeat, I couldn't find a solution in the docs...

I have a <div ng-repeat="concert in concerts track by $index">{{concert}}</div>, below it, I have an array, that is dynamically populated with the concert's start time like this, <p>{{startTime[$index]}}</p>. Some concerts, however do not have a valid start time, is there a way to figure out if there is a startTime for that [$index] and if not, define the text that takes its place?

I know this is kind of open ended, & I could use a function to compare the length of concerts array and startTimes array, and populate the remaining fields in startTimes with data, but I was hoping there may be an easier way? Best practice?

Thanks for your advice!


  • you could use an angular filter that will go through and identify if a concert has a start time and set a default value to whatever you want

    app.filter('startingTimeExists', () => {
      return (collection) => {
        let filtered = [];
        angular.forEach(collection, (concert) =>{
          } else {
            concert.startingTime = "7:00PM"
        return filtered;

    perhaps something like the above will work. I haven't tested it.