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Why windows task bar custom task list doesn`t work without pin on windows 10?

The minimal working example with QML JumpList (same behaviour if using QWinJumpList in c++).

import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtWinExtras 1.0

Window {
    visible: true

    JumpList {
        JumpListCategory {
            visible: true
            title: "Test"

            JumpListLink {
                title: "Test Link"
                executablePath: ""

After launch appliction you may press right mouse button on the application in windows task bar and look at something like:

custom menu in application task bar

If press to Test Link menu item the default browser with url should be opened because of under the hood it uses shell execute. This work well in windows 7, 8, 8.1.

In windows 10 this doesn`t work while you do not pin application to task bar by hands. After this done the link is working.

Why this so and how it can be fixed?

UPDATE 1: This strange behaviour was tested with Qt 5.5, 5.5.1, 5.6 and master branch on Windows 10 - dev, first released home version, final home, pro. And results is same - not working. Also, for example, chrome uses custom list (the site section) and it works well without pinning.

UPDATE 2: Here is my qt bug QTBUG-49486 about this and related to it QTBUG-48751. But the problem is right now the Qt devs do not know how to fix this problem too.


  • It was fixed in windows 10 major update from 12.11.2015