Sorry in advance for the novice question, but strangely enough I couldn't find a proper answer to this question. Simply put, let's say I want to movl from a certain variable to the %ecx register. This variable is a buffer full of input. How do I reference the buffer AT a specific offset, ie buffer + 1 or buffer + n? I need it for basic string iteration.
All help is appreciated, even if it's just helping me find a previous post that answers it but that I couldn't find.
In AT&T syntax (used by GAS), the following is used for an indirect offset reference:
movl 8(%ebp), %eax ; Move from EBP+8 into EAX
In Intel syntax (Which is actually also understood and accepted by GAS) it would be:
Another alternative (which you seem to be interested in) is Base Plus Index addressing:
This moves into EAX (using Intel format) the content of the memory location that is the sum of EBX and EDI. In AT&T format this would be:
movl (%ebx,%edi), %eax
Honestly, I rarely use this form. You may have to include a scale factor. You can use one to meet your needs:
movl (%ebx,%edi,1),%eax ; Where 1 is a scaling factor (ebx+edi*scale)