I wrote the following code and the inner for
loop works fine, but the outer loop does not iterate. Here is my code:
BufferedReader userfeatures = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("userFeatureVectorsTest.csv"));
BufferedReader itemfeatures = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("ItemFeatureVectorsTest.csv"));
while ((Uline = userfeatures.readLine()) != null)
for (String Iline = itemfeatures.readLine(); Iline != null; Iline = itemfeatures.readLine())
System.out.println(intersect(Uline, Iline).size());
System.out.println(union(Uline, Iline).size());
It finds the intersection and union of the first line of the first file
with every line of the 2nd file
and then it stops. However, I need to continue and repeat the same procedure for next lines of the first file. So, I think there is some problems related to my outer while loop, but I could not find what is the proble :|
Could someone help me please?
itemfeatures has to be initialized just before for loop each time you read from userfeatures. Otherwise your itemfeatures is fully read after first while iteration