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AngularJS: ng-class not working with boolean function

I'm trying to accomplish this: Change button icon and color class if list element is present on an array. If the object is not present, the icon will be a glyphicon-plus with btn-success Bootstrap class. Otherwise, there will be a glyphicon-minus with btn-danger class. The isSelected function returns a boolean value indicating the presence or the absence of the object inside the list. However, every time I open my modal (Angular-UI-Bootstrap), there is a parse error from isSelected.

How to proper set a boolean function within ng-class directive?

    <tr ng-repeat="ex in exams track by ex.uid" ng-class="{selected: ex.uid === selectedExam.uid}" ng-click="rowclick(ex)" ng-dblclick="pushToRemoveFromSelectedList(ex)">
        <td>{{ ex.description }}</td>
        <td>{{ }}</td>
        <td>{{ ex.code }}</td>
        <td class="hidden-sm hidden-xs">{{ ex.class }}</td>
            <button type="button" ng-class="'btn btn-sm btn-success':!isSelected(ex), 'btn btn-sm btn-danger':isSelected(ex)" ng-click="pushToRemoveFromSelectedList(ex)">
                <span ng-class="'glyphicon glyphicon-plus':!isSelected(ex), 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus':isSelected(ex)"></span>


  • Just as how you wrapped your tr element's ng-class with {}, you also need to do it with the ng-class attribute for both the button and span elements.

    <button type="button"
      class="btn btn-sm"
      ng-class="{'btn-success': !isSelected(ex), 'btn-danger': isSelected(ex)}"
      <span class="glyphicon"
        ng-class="{'glyphicon-plus': !isSelected(ex), 'glyphicon-minus': isSelected(ex)}">

    Alternatively, you can choose to use a ternary operator to toggle between two classes.

    <button type="button"
      class="btn btn-sm"
      ng-class="isSelected(ex)? 'btn-danger': 'btn-success'"
      <span class="glyphicon"
        ng-class="isSelected(ex)? 'glyphicon-minus': 'glyphicon-plus'">

    An advantage in this alternative is that it only needs to invoke isSelected(ex) twice per ng-repeat item while the first one would trigger four invocations.