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Cross-DOM observers in Polymer

I have developed a component for i18n in Polymer. Based on <iron-localstorage> it stores and changes the locale.

<iron-localstorage name="marvin-locale-ls"

    MarvinLocaleLS = Polymer({
        is: 'marvin-locale-ls',

        properties: {
            locale: {type: String},

Also I have a translator component that makes a translation based on this locale. I want to make something like this:

            is: 'marvin-translate',
            ls: new MarvinLocaleLS(),
            properties: {
                key: {
                    type: String,
                    notify: true
                locale: {
                    type: Polymer.dom().querySelector('marvin-locale-ls').properties.locale,
                    observer: '_localeObserver'

            ready: function(){
                this.key = this.textContent;
                var t =; // get translation from Local Storage
                this.textContent = (t) ? t : this.key; // show translation or key if there is no translation
            _localeObserver: function(){
                console.log('locale changed')



In other words I want to create the observer in 'marvin-translate' for a property in 'marvin-locale-ls'. Is it possible?


  • Take a look at this component, it will enable you to share variable on a Key/Value basis and access them wherever you want. It also supports data-binding (which iron-meta does not yet):