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The implementation of SCardGetReaderDeviceInstanceId

Microsoft implements SCardGetReaderDeviceInstanceId in winscard.dll on Windows8 and later version. I really want to know the implementation of this function. I tried to decompile it but am not good at decompilation, I got nothing. I am asking because I have a requirement to correlate smartcard reader Name with DeviceInstanceId, so I think I may able to implement it on Windows7 or even older version based on its implementation on Windows8. So folks, anyhelp?

LONG WINAPI SCardGetReaderDeviceInstanceId(
  _In_      SCARDCONTEXT hContext,
  _In_      LPCTSTR      szReaderName,
  _Out_opt_ LPTSTR       szDeviceInstanceId,
  _Inout_   LPDWORD      cchDeviceInstanceId


  • Have a look here. It seems that your requirement isn't possible to finish on Windows7 and older version.