For example, the easing functions presented in this gist: would be perfect, but I have no idea how to modify them so that they take v0, v1 and t parameters, like this lerp function I currently have:
_lerp2: function(v0, v1, t)
return (1 - t) * v0 + t * v1;
The easings presented here look good as well: but in this case, I do not understand the "change in value" parameter. Even if I did, I would probably still want those functions like so that they accept only three parameters, v0, v1 and t.
The parameters are as follows: v0 = start value, v1 = end value, t = value between 0 and 1. If, for example, t = 0.5, then lerp returns the average of v0 and v1 for example. I need this same behaviour-ish for these other easing functions somehow.
Or if modifying those easings is too hard, can I somehow modify the existing, working lerp function I have to, say, quadratic easing?
To modify the easing functions from the first page you provided.
Add the following arguments to all the function definitions.
var linear = function (t) {
return t
var linear = function (t, start, end) {
return t
Where start
is the the value at time t= 0
and end
is the value at t = 1;
Then in each function remove the return value and assign it to t;
var linear = function (t, start, end) {
return t
var linear = function (t, start, end) {
t = t;
// temp remove return
Then us the new vale of t to lerp between Start
and end
. This is done by getting the difference between start
and end
multiplying it by t
(which is still in the range 0-1) which scales the range, and then adding start
to it to move the new value relative to start.
var linear = function (t, start, end) {
t = t;
t = (end - start) * t;
t += start;
return t;
// can be done in one line
var linear = function (t, start, end) {
return (end - start) * t + start;
// or
var easeOutQuart = function (t) {
return 1-(--t)*t*t*t
// becomes
var easeOutQuart = function (t, start, end) {
return (end - start) * (1-(--t)*t*t*t) + start ;
easeOutQuart(0.5, 10, 20); // t@0 returns 10 and t@1 returns 20
easeOutQuart(0.5, 40, -10); // t@0 returns 40 and t@1 returns -10
easeOutQuart(0.5, -10, 30); // t@0 returns -10 and t@1 returns 30