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Extend FontAwesome with IcoMoon

In a project with the Meteor javascript framework, I'm using Fontawesome to display my icons. I want to add my custom icons to FontAwesome. Looking around, I understand that IcoMoon is exactly the tool I need.

But I don't understand how I can add an icon taken in IcoMoon to FontAwesome.

Can someone help me :)



  • This is not a meteor question, but an icomoon question. The answer is that you don't add an icomoon set to font-awesome, rather you let them run together side by side.

    What is meteor specific is how you can access those fonts, so they will need to be in your /public/directory.

    You can find an example of this through my meteor starter set. You would put your extracted icomoon fonts inside of that /assets/ directory. Then inside of /client/less/ (or sass if you use that) you would put your icomoon file as an import. Finally from your main less file you would import the file like @import "/less/icomoon.import.less"; at the top of your document.