I am a newbie and trying to create an application based on poloniex.js API getting error-TypeError: curl.setopt is not a function] set node-curl(not working) and node-libcurl (partially works,but the function seems incorrectly expressed) slightly confused between the two curl) node-curl is outdated and maybe that's the problem-can you tell what is wrong?
'use strict';
var autobahn = require('autobahn'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
async = require('async'),
https = require('https'),
nonce = require('nonce')(),
querystring = require('querystring'),
Curl = require('node-libcurl').Curl,
microtime = require('microtime'),
events = require('events'),
util = require('util');
var Poloniex = function Poloniex() {};
Poloniex._query_tradeApi = function (req, callback) {
var post_data,
hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', "key-key-key"),
nonce = (new Date()).getTime() * 1000;
post_data = querystring.stringify(req);
sign = hash.digest("hex");
try {
headers = [ 'Key: ' + "SECRET-SECRET-SECRET", 'Sign: ' + sign ];
var curl = new Curl(),
close = curl.close.bind( curl );
curl.setopt('URL', 'https://poloniex.com/tradingApi/');
curl.setopt('POST', 1);
curl.setopt('POSTFIELDS', post_data);
curl.setopt('HTTPHEADER', headers);
received = '';
curl.on('data', function (chunk) {
received += chunk;
return chunk.length;
curl.on('header', function (chunk) {
return chunk.length;
curl.on('error', curl.close.bind( curl ),function (e) {
console.error('exchanges/poloniex', '_query_tradeApi', e,
req, e.stack);
callback(e, undefined);
curl.on('end', function () {
try {
var data = JSON.parse(received);
callback(undefined, data);
} catch (ex) {
console.error('exchanges/poloniex', '_query_tradeApi',
ex, req, ex.stack);
callback(ex, received);
} catch (ee) {
console.error('exchanges/poloniex', '_query_tradeApi', ee,
req, ee.stack);
callback(ee, received);
The syntax required is curl.setOpt, not curl.setopt.