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Get random list from an array?

so, my code like that:

import java.util.Random;
String[] arr= (vars.get("Types")).split(";");
int idx = new Random().nextInt(arr.length);
String type = (arr[idx]);
vars.put("b_type", type);

The array looks like this

` arr = {"id":1, "type_1":1},{"id":2, "type_2":2},{"id":3, "type_3":3},{"id":4, "type_4":4},...'

Could anyone help? I need to get random arr2 from the array 'arr'.

It could be one element like

`arr1 = {id:value, type_1:value}`

or some of them, i.e.

`arr1 = [{"id":1, "type_1":1},{"id":4, "type_4":4}]`

or equivalent arr1 = arr


  • First you need an random integer value indicating the number of elements of array, then produce random elements and insert into new array.

    //number of elements in result array
    int count = new Random().nextInt(arr.length);
    ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
        //random index of element that must be added to result
        int index = new Random().nextInt(arr.length);

    just make sure your elements in result array isn't repetitive.

    Here's a solution for that: Insert your array element to an ArrayList so you can edit elements

    ArrayList<String> myarray = new ArrayList<String>();
    for(int i=0; i<arr.length; i++){

    Then inside the for:

    for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
        //random index of element that must be added to result
        int index = new Random().nextInt(myarray.length);