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How enable JIRA service on Gitlab Project services tab?

I'm trying to integrate JIRA issue tracker with Gitlab and following instructions from official docs.

My `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb' configuration file looks like

gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira'] = true

gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira_title'] = "Atlassian Jira"

gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira_project_url'] = "http://localhost:7777/issues/?jql=project=:issues_tracker_id"

gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira_issues_url'] = "http://localhost:7777/browse/:id"

gitlab_rails['issues_tracker_jira_new_issue_url'] = "http://localhost:7777/secure/CreateIssue.jspa"

JIRA web app installed and running at localhost:7777

Modifying gitlab.rb file as showed above enabled JIRA in Setting tab as expected but services tab doesn't contain JIRA. Of course, I choose Atlassian Jira in Features, specified jira project name (same as gitlab project name) saved changes and in Project services tab saw Assembla, Atlassian Bamboo and others but didn't see JIRA. What I'm doing wrong?


As VonC pointed out, CE doesn't support JIRA fully. But, according to CE and EE comparison, CE still supports JIRA partially, in particular, mention JIRA ticket from Gitlab. As I understand, I still able to point issues to my JIRA instance and add issues in JIRA but I have to manually create project in JIRA and gitlab project name must be the same with the JIRA project name, am I right? I think so, because when I do it everything works the ony problem is log-in-problem described below.

Also, linking to JIRA doesn't work until I'm not logged in to JIRA. Is there any way to provide JIRA credentials to Gitlab CE?


  • We are using gitlab-ce 8.2.2-ce.0 and JIRA 6.4.11. I didn't have to configure anything in gitlab.rb.

    First, configure the template so you don't have to do everything for each new project: http://localhost:7777/admin/application_settings/services

    Open "JIRA" and exactly set this (including the ##-stuff - don't replace it): Project url: http://localhost:7777/browse/#project-name# Issues url: http://localhost:7777/browse/:id New issue url: http://localhost:7777/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa?selectedProjectId=#project-id#

    Then for each project, go to "Project > Settings > Services", activate JIRA and adapt the settings to use the correct project name and ID.

    gitlab project name must be the same with the JIRA project name, am I right?

    No, this is not necessary.