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fb login through ember-simple-auth

I have to include a fb login in my web app.Now fb login returns a access_token which is send to my backend to get a new token generate by my backend.This new token is now to be send in headers of every api call I make to my backend.Is there a way I can implement this by ember-simple-auth.If Yes please some code

The response from facebook is something like this:

    status: 'connected',
    authResponse: {
        accessToken: '...',


  • Check out Ember Simple Auth's dummy app: It implements Facebook auth and also has an example server included.

    The flow goes more or less like this:

    • open the Facebook auth UI (using torii)
    • user logs in and grants access
    • Facebook redirects with an auth code
    • the auth code is posted to the app's server which exchanges it for an app-specific bearer token
    • the bearer token is included in all subsequent requests