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Does the Android API support KML files?

Is there a way in Android to load KML files from Google Earth into a map widget?

Specifically I am looking to load saved shapes created in Google Earth overtop a map widget as easily as possible. Has anybody ever tried this before?


  • It is an old question but this answer might be of some use if someone happens to stumble upon it.

    Do you mean to add the kml file onto a mapfragment inside an app programmatically? If so, you can use this method.

     private void loadKml(File file) {
        try( InputStream inputstream = new FileInputStream(file) ) {
            // Set kmllayer to map
            // map is a GoogleMap, context is the Activity Context
            KmlLayer layer = new KmlLayer(map, inputstream, context);
        // Handle these errors
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {

    The downside is that you have little to no control as to how the kml layer is displayed. You can find a complete reference here:

    You can also try to parse the kml file to a POJO using JAK and JAXB and draw that data programmatically. If you can get it to work it is relatively painless.