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How to poison an identifier in VC++?

Function poisoning is very useful technique in C++.

In general it refers to making a function unusable, e.g. if you want to ban the use of dynamic allocation in a program you could "poison" the malloc function so it can't be used. 'Poisoning' an identifier means that any reference to the identifier after the 'poisoning' is a hard compiler error

For example (See live demo here)

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#pragma GCC poison malloc
int main()
    int* p=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int));  // compiler error use of poisoned function malloc

I found this technique very useful to prevent misuse of reserved words in C++.

For example:

#include "test.h"            // contains definition of some class T
#pragma GCC poison private
#define private public      // oops compiler error use of poisoned identifier private in macro
int main()
        // Instantiate T & use it members

This can also be used in C to prevent the use of C++ keywords because C++ has many keywords than C & it is perfectly valid to use C++ specific keywords as an identifier in C.

For example (See live demo here)

#include <stdio.h>
#pragma GCC poison new
int main(void)
     int new=5;     // oops compiler error use of poisoned identifer new.

But to use this poisoning we need to use the pragma directive which is implementation defined. Fortunately the GCC pragma reconginized by clang & also works nicely. But which pragma is needed If I 've VC++ compiler (Microsoft Visual studio). How to do this in VC++ compiler?


  • MSVC++ has two ways to do this. To get the GCC version you'd use #pragma deprecated. That produces warning C4995, you can turn that into an error with /WX.

    That however poisons any identifier with the name you specified, it isn't selective enough to prevent warnings on C++ members that happen to have the same identifier name. You couldn't use it to deprecate a specific function overload for example. Solved by the second way, __declspec(deprecated).

    In general you'd prefer the latter to avoid accidental matches. But do beware that it has a chicken-and-egg problem, you can only deprecate a function that the compiler knows about. Forcing you to, say, #include a header that you don't want to use at all.