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Tracking-URL : N/A , RPC Port : -1

Is this ok or something I should fix?

ubuntu@anmol-vm1-new:~$ yarn application -status application_1448835095947_0394
15/12/05 19:37:56 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at /
15/12/05 19:37:56 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
15/12/05 19:37:57 INFO client.AHSProxy: Connecting to Application History server at /
Application Report : 
    Application-Id : application_1448835095947_0394
    Application-Name : OrderedWordCountSession
    Application-Type : TEZ
    User : ubuntu
    Queue : default
    Start-Time : 1449343145138
    Finish-Time : 0
    Progress : 0%
    State : ACCEPTED
    Final-State : UNDEFINED
    Tracking-URL : N/A
    RPC Port : -1
    AM Host : N/A
    Diagnostics : 


  • No. You don't have to fix anything.

    The State of your application is ACCEPTED and Final-State is UNDEFINED. It means, your application just got accepted and has not started RUNNING. Also you can see that Progress is 0% and Finish-Time is 0.

    Once it enters into RUNNING state, you should be able to see both Tracking-URL and RPC Port.

    Your application can go through NEW, NEW_SAVING, SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED and KILLED states. You will NOT see the Tracking-URL (it will be N/A) and RPC Port (it will be -1), when the application is in NEW, NEW_SAVING, SUBMITTED and ACCEPTED states. For rest of the states you should get the proper Tracking-URL and RPC Port.

    I have also observed one more thing. After an application is FINISHED (either FAILED or SUCCEEDED) or KILLED, if you re-start your YARN services and then get the status of your application, then you will see RPC Port as -1. But, you should still see a proper Tracking-URL.

    For e.g.

    Tracking-URL :