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Purpose of @relay(pattern:true)

New expression @relay(pattern: true) was introduced in change log for relay.js 0.5.

But can't figure out from description nor tests what exactly it does and when I should use it when writing fatQueries.

Some example would be very helpful.


  • Consider a GraphQL query like the following:

    viewer {
      friends(first: 10) {
        edges { node { name } }
        pageInfo { hasNextPage }

    When defining a fat query for a Relay mutation, to include the name of a field without specifying any of its subfields tells Relay that any subfield of that field could change as a result of that mutation.

    Unfortunately, to omit connection arguments such as find, first, and last on the friends field will cause a validation error on the connection-argument-dependent fields edges and pageInfo:

    getFatQuery() {
      return Relay.QL`
        fragment on AddFriendMutationPayload {
          viewer { 
            friends { edges, pageInfo }  # Will throw the validation error below
    // Uncaught Error: GraphQL validation/transform error ``You supplied the `pageInfo` 
    // field on a connection named `friends`, but you did not supply an argument necessary 
    // to do so. Use either the `find`, `first`, or `last` argument.`` in file 
    // `/path/to/MyMutation.js`.

    You can use the @relay(pattern: true) directive to indicate that want to use the fat query to pattern match against the tracked query, instead of to use it as a fully-fledged query.

    getFatQuery() {
      return Relay.QL`
        fragment on AddFriendMutationPayload @relay(pattern: true) {
          viewer {
            friends { edges, pageInfo }  # Valid!

    For more information about mutations see: