I am currently trying to make "C" a little bit more scripting language like for myself. I writing my program specific code in a *.so file reload this file at runtime and execute the new code i wrote.
The problem i am facing is the result of the function "stat". Everytime i ask if the SO file has been modified via "stat(filename,statbuf)" the result stat->mtim always seems to have been changed. As result i continously reload my code in each loop run.
I have assumed that if no file change to a file happend st_mtime has to be always the same. Am i wrong?
Here the function how i retrieve the value st_mtime:
inline timespec LinuxGetLastWriteTime(const std::string& filename) {
struct stat *buf;
stat(filename.c_str(), buf);
return buf->st_mtim;
And here where i check if i have to reload:
timespec NewSOWriteTime = LinuxGetLastWriteTime(SoSource);
if ( Game.last_modification != NewSOWriteTime ) {
Game = LinuxLoadGameCode(SoSource, "libCode_temp.so");
and my two overloads of the != and <:
bool operator<(const timespec& lhs, const timespec& rhs) {
if (lhs.tv_sec == rhs.tv_sec)
return lhs.tv_nsec < rhs.tv_nsec;
return lhs.tv_sec < rhs.tv_sec;
bool operator!=(const timespec& lhs, const timespec& rhs) {
if (lhs.tv_sec == rhs.tv_sec)
return lhs.tv_nsec != rhs.tv_nsec;
return lhs.tv_sec != rhs.tv_sec;
Any Idea why this could can happen
The code you use:
struct stat *buf;
stat(filename.c_str(), buf);
return buf->st_mtim;
is strange, to say the least. You got unlucky and it didn't crash instantly, but noone really knows where it writes results; probably overwrking some other important data on the way. You should allocate buf
yourself and pass its address to stat
, e.g.:
struct stat buf = {0}; // or memset(0)
stat(filename.c_str(), &buf);
return buf.st_mtim;
You probably should also check error status of stat
, but if buffer is zeroed it will just return 0 which may be fine.