In D7, with Devel, CTools and Ajax Login/Register plugins, I get an alert on submitting the login form on:
I#m using a custom child theme based on bootstrap project. I already tried the instructions herein that say that I should asure loading jquery.form.js before ajax.js.
Does anybody have an idea? Thanks in advance.
I have nothing login specific coded so far except in html.tpl.php:
$form_element = drupal_get_form("user_login");
$form = drupal_render($form_element);
print $form;
The rest comes from the plugins, especially Ajax Login/Register plugins.
In the parent theme was a ajax.js override function that caused the error. It can be found in theme_root_dir/js/misc/. You just have to empty it. Don't forget to empty your cache afterwards. Now it should work.