I'm writing a tool that depends on HumanizeDuration.js (could be any other dependency). Using RequireJS, in main.js
paths: {
"humanizeDuration": "./path/to/humanize-duration" /* .js */,
"myTool": "./path/to/my-tool" /* .js */
// ...
In my-tool.js
define(["humanizeDuration"], function (humanizeDuration) {
// ...
I would like to share my tool (e.g. on GitHub):
(function (global, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(["humanizeDuration"], factory);
} else if (typeof exports === "object") {
module.exports = factory(require("humanizeDuration"));
} else {
global.MyTool = factory(global.humanizeDuration);
}(this, function (humanizeDuration) {
// ...
The question is: which name shall I choose for the dependency? Since it depends on how developers configured their main.js
(for RequireJS), am I wrong?
Here, I chose humanizeDuration
, so I could tell developers to use this name, but what if they use another tool that chose humanize-duration
for example?
If you know there is a most commonly used name to refer to HumanizeDuration.js
as an AMD module, use that, but you can use humanizeDuration
if there is no common name or if you cannot determine one. Make sure to document it so that users know what to expect. Then if there is a problem because your tool wants humanizeDuration
but another tool wants humanize-duration
, the users of your tool can use map
map: {
'*': {
"humanize-duration": "humanizeDuration"
This tells RequireJS that everywhere ('*'
) humanize-duration
is required, load the module humanizeDuration
instead. Obviously, in this case humanizeDuration
is what is in the paths
. The whole thing could be mapped in reverse if humanize-duration
is in the paths