I am using Apache Felix in a host application to provide the ability to load extensions at runtime. The mechanism works great but I have some very temperamental behaviour regarding the bundles starting if I include certain dependencies. If for example I use the following in my pom.xml:
<Include-Resource>{maven-resources}, {maven-dependencies}</Include-Resource>
Everything works perfectly and the bundle registers and starts. However if I include async-http-client
in the bundle it registers but does not start! I have tried embedding the dependency in the bundle even though the parent exposes it by the parent host application. If I look inside the compiled bundle the jar has been included but it still wont actually start.
I tried adding:
and modified:
<Embed-Dependency>jackson-core, async-http-client</Embed-Dependency>
Neither of these options work. I am not getting any error in the host application and I just can't work out why some libraries cause this but not others.
After further investigation it turns out that the problem is related to versioning. The bundle MANIFEST.MF
that is created explicitly states the versions for some import packages:
Import-Package: ...,com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type;version="[2.4,3)",com.ning.http.client;version="[1.9,2)",
However, the host application does not specify a version:
Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA -> ... com.ning.http.client ...
It appears that the version must be explicitly stated in the host and it must match the bundles import otherwise the bundle won't activate.