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OSGi Bundle not starting with Felix Host application

I am using Apache Felix in a host application to provide the ability to load extensions at runtime. The mechanism works great but I have some very temperamental behaviour regarding the bundles starting if I include certain dependencies. If for example I use the following in my pom.xml:


                    <Include-Resource>{maven-resources}, {maven-dependencies}</Include-Resource>

Everything works perfectly and the bundle registers and starts. However if I include async-http-client in the bundle it registers but does not start! I have tried embedding the dependency in the bundle even though the parent exposes it by the parent host application. If I look inside the compiled bundle the jar has been included but it still wont actually start.

I tried adding:


and modified:

<Embed-Dependency>jackson-core, async-http-client</Embed-Dependency>

Neither of these options work. I am not getting any error in the host application and I just can't work out why some libraries cause this but not others.


  • After further investigation it turns out that the problem is related to versioning. The bundle MANIFEST.MF that is created explicitly states the versions for some import packages:

    Import-Package: ...,com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type;version="[2.4,3)",com.ning.http.client;version="[1.9,2)",

    However, the host application does not specify a version:

    Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA -> ... com.ning.http.client ...

    It appears that the version must be explicitly stated in the host and it must match the bundles import otherwise the bundle won't activate.