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Integrate jstree and select2

In my page I use jstree and select2. I would like to have both plug-ins integrated. Is there any way? My code looks very simple, because it relies only on the fields of integration of plug-ins and it looks like:

var dataSelect = [
        id: 1,
        text: "test"
        id: 2,
        text: "test2"
        id: 3, text: "test3"

var dataTree = [
        id: 1, text: "test"
        id: 3,
        text: "test3"

    'core': {
        'data': dataTree,
        "themes": {
            "icons": false
    "checkbox": {
        "keep_selected_style": false,
        "three_state": true
    "plugins": ["checkbox", "state"]

    data: dataSelect,
    multiple: true


As you can see, data in both cases have similar a ID. If I click test in my tree, then I would want my select set to "test". Is there any solution for this problem?


@Nikolay Ermakov answer led me to correct thinking, but the problem is when I load my select by ajax. When I click some option in my jstree, the data is destroyed and I cannot choose anything later in my select. In addition, none of the options is selected on select2.


When I click some option in jstree, all options are removed, and to select goes one blank value, which can be selected.


  • I guess I made your interaction two-way. Please check this fiddle: JS Fiddle.

    I used changed event of jsTree and select/unselect events of select2.

    Here is how the code looks like:

    var dataSelect = [{id: "1", text: "test"},{id:"2", text: "test2"},{id:"3", text: "test3"}];
    var dataTree = [{id: "1", text: "test"},{id:"3", text: "test3"}];
    $("#selectSample").select2({data:dataSelect, multiple: true});
        .on('changed.jstree', function (event, data) {
            var $select = $("#selectSample").select2(),
                selectedOptions = $select.val() || [],
                optionId =;
            if( data.action == 'select_node'){ 
              selectedOptions.push( optionId );
            if( data.action == 'deselect_node'){ 
              selectedOptions.splice( selectedOptions.indexOf( optionId ), 1 );
            'core': {
              'data': dataTree,
            "checkbox": {
              "keep_selected_style": false,
              "three_state": true
            "plugins" : [ "checkbox" ]
        .on('select2:select', function(event) {
          $('#jstree').jstree('select_node', '#', true);
        .on('select2:unselect', function(event) {
          $('#jstree').jstree('deselect_node', '#', true);