I want to figure out where a person might be from based on who they follow and get the country together with an approximate latitude and longitude. I've got two types of nodes: Users (containing a name and possibly lat and lng) and Countries (containing a name). I've also got two types of edges: Follow and LivesIn (containing lat and lng).
At the moment both the Account as well as the LivesIn edge contain the lat and lng because I'm not completely sure where it'd be better, but at the moment I'm leaning towards putting it in the edge.
Below is an example network with five users. Three of whom I know where they're from. Now I want to make an educated guess where Alice is from:
CREATE PROPERTY Account.name string
CREATE PROPERTY Account.lat double
CREATE PROPERTY Account.lng double
CREATE PROPERTY Country.countryname string
CREATE PROPERTY LivesIn.lat double
CREATE PROPERTY LivesIn.lng double
CREATE VERTEX Account SET name='Alice'
CREATE VERTEX Account SET name='Bob', lat=50.503887, lng=4.469936 /* Belgium */
CREATE VERTEX Account SET name='Carol', lat=51.165691, lng=10.451526 /* Germany */
CREATE VERTEX Account SET name='Eve', lat=51.115691, lng=10.481526 /* Germany */
CREATE VERTEX Account SET name='Dave'
CREATE EDGE Follows FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Alice') TO (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Bob')
CREATE EDGE Follows FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Alice') TO (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Carol')
CREATE EDGE Follows FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Alice') TO (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Eve')
CREATE EDGE Follows FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Alice') TO (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Dave')
CREATE EDGE Follows FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Bob') TO (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Alice')
CREATE EDGE Follows FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Carol') TO (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Alice')
CREATE EDGE Follows FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Eve') TO (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Alice')
CREATE EDGE Follows FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Dave') TO (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Alice')
CREATE VERTEX Country SET countryname='Belgium'
CREATE VERTEX Country SET countryname='Germany'
CREATE EDGE LivesIn FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Bob') TO (SELECT FROM Country WHERE countryname='Belgium') SET lat=50.503887, lng=4.469936
CREATE EDGE LivesIn FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Carol') TO (SELECT FROM Country WHERE countryname='Germany') SET lat=51.165691, lng=10.451526
CREATE EDGE LivesIn FROM (SELECT FROM Account WHERE name='Eve') TO (SELECT FROM Country WHERE countryname='Germany') SET lat=51.115691, lng=10.481526
My question is if there's an effective way to achieve this using specific sql commands in OrientDB or if it needs a new function.
I got some small things figured out like getting all outgoing Follows
SELECT out("Follows") FROM Account WHERE name='Alice'
But I can't really manage to get all the LivesIn edges from there.
Alternatively I can create a new function in OrientDB as they also did here. Something like:
var gdb = orient.getGraphNoTx();
var v = gdb.command("sql", "select from Account where name='" + name + "'");
neighbours = v[0].getRecord().field("out_Follows").iterator();
var result = []
country_dict = {}
while(neighbours.hasNext()) {
var neighbour = neighbours.next();
var temp = neighbour.field("in").field("out_LivesIn");
if(temp) {
it = temp.iterator();
// Count each country and keep track of sum of lat and lng so it can be divided
// once all neighbours have been visited
But that doesn't really use any (possibly efficient?) built in methods of sql. Considering a single person can possibly follow tens of thousands of other accounts.
Would anyone have a suggestion how I can solve this?
Try this query
select countryname,eval('sum / _count') as average_lat,eval('sum2 / _count') as average_lng from
(select countryname,sum(_lat),sum(_lng),count(*) as _count from
(select outE("livesIn").lat as _lat,outE("livesIn").lng as _lng,out("livesIn").countryname as countryname from
(select expand(out("Follows")) from Account where name="Alice") unwind _lat,_lng,countryname)
group by countryname order by _count desc limit 1)