I installed WildFly 8.2.1 in D:\SOURCE\ProgramsInstalled\wildfly-8.2.1.Final
directory. I test ran it outside of Eclipse and it is working perfect.
I installed Eclipse Luna in D:\SOURCE\ProgramsInstalled\eclipse-jee-luna-SR2-win32-x86_64
Inside Eclipse Luna, I set JDK 1.7 as the default JRE:
Inside Eclipse Luna, I installed JBoss Tools 4.2.3.Final
plugin via Eclipse Marketplace.
Inside Eclipse Luna, I installed WildFly 8.x runtime environment pointing to the WildFly in D:\SOURCE\ProgramsInstalled\eclipse-jee-luna-SR2-win32-x86_64
directory. And created the WildFly 8.x server using this runtime.
Inside Eclipse Luna, I ran WildFly. The "Console" view of Eclipse is showing me that WildFly ran successfully but Eclipse give me this error message:
Why I am getting this error? And how to resolve it?
When I try to stop WildFly in Eclipse I get this error message:
And Eclipse would not let me stop the WildFly. Not good. I am stuck.
This is an error you get when you've compiled your code with Java 7, yet try to run it on a JRE of an older version (Java 6, for instance).
You can solve this in two ways: