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while Monitoring a folder using File::ChangeNotify module how can i get the file which got modifed


use strict;
#use warnings;

use File::ChangeNotify;

$| = 1;

my $watcher = File::ChangeNotify->instantiate_watcher(
    directories => [ '/var/icc_shantesh/logs' ],
    filter      => qr/\.log/,

while ( my @events = $watcher->wait_for_events ) {
    print "loop got executed\n";
    print "File name: $_\n";

I am using File::ChangeNotify in the above code in my R&D environment. The script monitors a folder and informs whenever there is a change. I want to know the name of the file that has changed, and its updated content


  • The @events array has the information you want:

     while (my @events = $watcher->wait_for_events){
        print "loop got executed\n";
        foreach my $event (@events) {
            print "File name: " . $event->path . "\n";

    The array contains File::ChangeNotify::Event objects, and they have a path accessor for filename, and a type for what kind of change has been done.

    You could look at the example on the man page and rewrite your code to be like that:

     for my $event ( $watcher->new_events() ) {
         print "File name: ", $event->path(), ' - ', $event->type(), "\n";

    $_ is the default variable of perl, but when you explicit set the variable like you do in the loop (my @events = ...) $_ is not being used.