I have node app with express and im sending request from client like postman and I need to get the file from the req and extract it on my local folder,how I can do that ?
I found the following open source but not sure how to take the req body and extract it in my local folder like "C://Test//extractDest",
The code below is taken from the following open source but if there is other good open source for this I can use it instead https://www.npmjs.com/package/decompress-zip
var DecompressZip = require('decompress-zip');
var unzipper = new DecompressZip(filename)
unzipper.on('error', function (err) {
console.log('Caught an error');
unzipper.on('extract', function (log) {
console.log('Finished extracting');
unzipper.on('progress', function (fileIndex, fileCount) {
console.log('Extracted file ' + (fileIndex + 1) + ' of ' + fileCount);
path: "C://Test//extractDest",
filter: function (file) {
return file.type !== "SymbolicLink";
This is how I send the zip file I simply select binary and choose a zip file
I'd recommend you using multer which works with multipart/form-data
Here's a basic working example. It assumes we are only uploading a single file, a folder named "uploads" exists at the root of your project and a form field named "singleFileUpload" to hold your data. You can change all those following the multer documentation:
var path = require("path");
var express = require("express");
var multer = require("multer");
var Unzipper = require("decompress-zip");
var app = express();
app.post("/", function(req, res){
if (req.file){
var filepath = path.join(req.file.destination, req.file.filename);
var unzipper = new Unzipper(filepath);
unzipper.on("extract", function () {
console.log("Finished extracting");
unzipper.extract({ path: "C://Test//extractDest"});
Using postman you can now upload and decompress files with this configuration: