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Error: incompatible types when initializing type 'int' using type ' '

I am creating a program, which involves data from file. In one of the functions i get the error incompatible types when initializing type 'int' using type 'datte' when i try to compile it

datte, clocck and games are structs.

games create_match(int round, int goals_home_team, int goals_visiting_team, int spectators, char home_team[MAX_TEAM_NAME], char visiting_team[MAX_TEAM_NAME],
                   datte day,
                   clocck otim)
  games result = { round, day, otim, "", "", goals_home_team, goals_visiting_team, spectators };

  strcpy(result.home_team, home_team);
  strcpy(result.visiting_team, visiting_team);

  return result;

My compiler says that the error is at the line "games result =re...".

I have another function from another program, which is identical, but that one has no problem compiling

kamp, dato and klokke are structs

kamp lav_kamp(int runde, dato dato, klokke klokke,
              char hjemmehold[MAX_HOLD_NAVN], char udehold[MAX_HOLD_NAVN],
              int hjemmemaal, int udemaal, int tilskuere)
    kamp res =
        { runde, dato, klokke, "", "", hjemmemaal, udemaal, tilskuere };
    strcpy(res.hjemmehold, hjemmehold);
    strcpy(res.udehold, udehold);
    return res;

So what i don't understand is why the first function can't compile, but the second one can.


The 3 structs

typedef struct games
  int round_of_games,




  char home_team[MAX_TEAM_NAME],


  clocck otim;

  datte datte;

} games;

typedef struct clocck
  int tim_hour,


} clocck;

typedef struct datte


  int odate_day,


  enum odate_month 


    January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Septemper, October, November, December

  } odate_month;

} datte;


  • The problem is that you can't just initialize a structure in any order, you must initialize it in the exact order the member fields was declared in the structure.

    For example, in your games structure you declared the datte member last, as the eight member. That means that the day variable in your create_match function must be the last in the initialization.

    So instead of e.g.

    games result = { round, day, ... };

    You must write

    games result = { round, ..., day };

    You must also make sure the other values in the initialization of result is in the correct order in the structure.