Im trying to use this framework for a school project. In order to install the framework it asks you to add a zip file to src. In the zip file I found a java class and some AIDL files. I follow the instructions on this SO post. When I try to clean and rebuild. I get a cannot resolve symbol class error. I would post error logs but am having trouble with my repo at the moment. The instructions online make it seem like you need to use the APK as well somehow but I have no idea how I would do that. Does anyone know or can figure out how this framework gets installed? I would greatly appreciate any help.
If you prefer to use Android Studio 1.5 instead of Eclipse and try to port the project from the website:
Execute and create SVN working copy (android-gesture-recognition-tool folder):
svn checkout android-gesture-recognition-tool
(a) Android Studio supports checking out a SVN project using its Checkout from Version Control
project wizard...However, the project above does not have any build.gradle
(b) You can use TortoiseSVN tool available from Internet to create the SVN working copy
From Android Studio new project wizard:
Start a New Android Project
Configure Your New Project:
type Application Name: Gesture Trainer
type Company Domain:
Select the Form Factors...:
check Phone and Tablet
select Minimum SDK: API 8
Add an Activity to Mobile:
choose Blank Activity
Customize the Activity:
type Activity Name: Gesture Trainer
Let Gradle finishes its job
Close Android Studio
From the Android Studio's generated GestureTrainer project folder:
Open GestureTrainer/app/src folder:
delete androidTest folder
delete test folder
Open GestureTrainer/app/src/main folder:
delete every folder in it
copy res folder from the SVN working copy into it
copy assets folder from the SVN working copy into it
copy src folder from the SVN working copy into it
copy AndroidManifest.xml from the SVN working copy into it
create aidl folder in it
Open Android Studio; from Gesture Trainer project in Android Studio environment:
Clean Project
Rebuild Project
Ignore the errors for a while
Go to app/src/main/aidl Android project tree
Right click on aidl and select New > Package
Type a new package: de.dfki.ccaal.gestures
Right click on aidl and select New > Package
Type a new package: de.dfki.ccaal.gestures.classifier
From the generated GestureTrainer project folder:
Copy into GestureTrainer/app/src/aidl/de/dfki/ccaal/gestures folder:
IGestureRecognitionListener.aidl from SVN working copy
IGestureRecognitionService.aidl from SVN working copy
Copy into GestureTrainer/app/src/aidl/de/dfki/ccaal/gestures/classifier folder:
Distribution.aidl from SVN working copy
Modify app/build.gradle
file from Gesture Trainer project in Android Studio environment as follows:
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
minSdkVersion 8
targetSdkVersion 23
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
//testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile ''
compile ''
Restart Android Studio and let Gradle resync the project...
You should get something as in the following figure: