How can I simplify the following code:
var metadata = GetMetadata();
return metadata ?? _provider.GetLatestMetadata(guid);
catch (AuthenticationException)
return _provider.GetLatestMetadata(guid);
catch (HttpUnauthorizedRequestException)
return _provider.GetLatestMetadata(guid);
catch (WebException)
return _provider.GetLatestMetadata(guid);
catch (VcenterException)
return _provider.GetLatestMetadata(guid);
I would like to avoid code duplication.
Is it possible?
If you don't want to do a catch-all and really need to avoid duplicate code, you can catch the specific exceptions with an exception filter:
var metadata = GetMetadata();
return metadata ?? _provider.GetLatestMetadata(guid);
catch (Exception ex) when ( ex is AuthenticationException
|| ex is HttpUnauthorizedRequestException
|| ex is WebException
|| ex is VcenterException
return _provider.GetLatestMetadata(guid);