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How to make two plots side-by-side using JavaScript Plottable

With the following script I tried to make the side by side pie chart

var pies;
var indata = [
            { 'sample' : "Foo",
                                "score": 6.7530200000000002,
                                "celltype": "Bcells"
                            "score": 11.432763461538459,
                            "celltype": "DendriticCells"

            { 'sample' : "Bar",
                                "score": 26.8530200000000002,
                                "celltype": "Bcells"
                            "score": 31.432763461538459,
                            "celltype": "BCells"


function processData(data) {

        pies = (data) {
            return {
                title : data.sample,
                dataset : data.pies_pct
function buildPlots () {
        var $pieContainer = $('#sample-pies');

        pies.forEach(function (pie, index) {
            var elementId = "sample-pie-" + index;

            $(document.createElementNS('', 'svg'))
                .css({width: '200px', height: '200px', display: 'inline-block'})
                .attr('id', elementId)

            plotSamplePie(pie.title, pie.dataset, '#' + elementId);


    function plotSamplePie(title,purity_data,targetElement) {
            var scale = new Plottable.Scales.Linear();
            var tableau20 = ['#1F77B4', '#FF7F0E', '#2CA02C', '#D62728',
                     '#9467BD', '#8C564B', '#CFECF9', '#7F7F7F', '#BCBD22', '#17BECF'];
            var colorScale = new Plottable.Scales.Color();
            var legend = new Plottable.Components.Legend(colorScale);


        var titleLabel = new Plottable.Components.TitleLabel(title);
        var plot = new Plottable.Plots.Pie()
            .addDataset(new Plottable.Dataset(purity_data))
            .attr("fill", function(d) { return d.score; }, colorScale)
            .sectorValue(function(d) { return d.score; }, scale)



  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />



My Plot

  <!-- Show histograms -->
  <div id="sample-pies"></div>

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>




So this functios does

  • processData() reads the data,
  • buildPlots() read piechart data chunk by chunk
  • plotSamplePie() draw individual pie.

But why it doesn't work?

I expect it to show plot like this:

enter image description here


  • There is a simple error if you can see in you console.

    var plot = new Plottable.Plots.Pie()
                .addDataset(new Plottable.Dataset(purity_data))
                .attr("fill", function(d) { return d.score; }, colorScale)
                .sectorValue(function(d) { return d.score; }, scale)

    Just remove ; after .labelsEnabled(true); and it should work.

    var indata = [
                { 'sample' : "Foo",
                                    "score": 6.7530200000000002,
                                    "celltype": "Bcells"
                                "score": 11.432763461538459,
                                "celltype": "DendriticCells"
                { 'sample' : "Bar",
                                    "score": 26.8530200000000002,
                                    "celltype": "Bcells"
                                "score": 31.432763461538459,
                                "celltype": "BCells"
    function processData(data) {
            pies = (data) {
                return {
                    title : data.sample,
                    dataset : data.pies_pct
    function buildPlots () {
            var $pieContainer = $('#sample-pies');
            pies.forEach(function (pie, index) {
                var elementId = "sample-pie-" + index;
                $(document.createElementNS('', 'svg'))
                    .css({width: '200px', height: '200px', display: 'inline-block'})
                    .attr('id', elementId)
                plotSamplePie(pie.title, pie.dataset, '#' + elementId);
        function plotSamplePie(title,purity_data,targetElement) {
                var scale = new Plottable.Scales.Linear();
                var tableau20 = ['#1F77B4', '#FF7F0E', '#2CA02C', '#D62728',
                         '#9467BD', '#8C564B', '#CFECF9', '#7F7F7F', '#BCBD22', '#17BECF'];
                var colorScale = new Plottable.Scales.Color();
                var legend = new Plottable.Components.Legend(colorScale);
            var titleLabel = new Plottable.Components.TitleLabel(title);
            var plot = new Plottable.Plots.Pie()
                .addDataset(new Plottable.Dataset(purity_data))
                .attr("fill", function(d) { return d.score; }, colorScale)
                .sectorValue(function(d) { return d.score; }, scale)
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    My Plot
      <!-- Show histograms -->
      <div id="sample-pies"></div>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>