I will be making a website for a man that is involved with a local legion. He's restored military regiment photos. He wants to hover on each person in the photo, have the outline of them glow, and a tool tip of their name, and/or link to further down the page to more details of them.
I've used image mapping before, and the website I use has poly mapping (www.image-maps.com), which would result in me outlining every person in this photo individually. I'm fine with doing that, but would it be easier to do that in photoshop and have some sort of map that when you hover over that person, it replaces the image to the photoshopped one with a glow?
I've tried to research this, and have come across a lot of different things, but nothing super similar. There's a US map that's essentially what I want it to do: http://stommepoes.nl/Menus/maphover.html http://www.outsharked.com/imagemapster/examples/usa.html
But I'm not sure how to go about making that custom, and not just a map of the US.
Any recommendations would be great. Just not really sure what the best route is for this to save time and effort.
I'd suggest you to go for this:
Very good plugin, then you have to make an HTML map areas. If you have photoshop, I strongly recommand you this plugin. With those both, it's very easy to make your path in photoshop and then get the Coords for your HTML map
I did miracles pretty quickly with those tools.
Hope it helped!