I'm fairly new to ExtJS and I'm kinda stuck in one of the problems so I need your help.
Basically I access my application by using following URL:
I get these URL params machine and typeofpage via following code used in global controller getMode():
//get the url parameters
var url = window.location.search,
urlParams = Ext.Object.fromQueryString(url);
return {
machineID: urlParams.machine,
typeofPage: urlParams.typeofpage
Now depending upon the typeofpage, I decide which page to open via following code in the afterrender method of initial viewport:
var mode = this.getMode();
if(mode.typeofpage=== 'dashboard') {
panel = Ext.create('XYZ.view.Dashboard',{
ID_MACHINE: mode.machineID
So above code calls my dashboard page correctly passing machineID as 1 properly.
With this machineID property, I pass that to store MachineParts and this store gives me all of hte machine parts for machine ID 1. Following is the code in aferrender of XYZ.view.Dashboard:
var me = this,
machinepartIds= [];
'Param.1': component.ID_MACHINE
callback: function(response) {
Ext.each(response, function(panel) {
alert('Machine IDs: ' + machinepartIds.toString();
So lets say it gives me back following data:
MachineID MachinePartID
1 20
1 21
1 22
Now I have a function called loadKPIs which takes parameter as ID - that is machinepartID. I use this loadKPIs function to populate all of the KPIs on the page and display them for a particular machinepart ID as a dashboard.
I want to pass machinepartIDs 20,21,22 to the loadKPIs function every 10 min so that I can show the dashboard for each machinepart for 10 min.
For example, I will start with machinepart ID 20. after 10 min, I would like to pass achinepart ID as 21. After 10 min I would like to pass machinepart ID as 22. Then again back to 20 after 10 min. I'm sure I need to use TaskRunner but I don't know how to do it.
If you want to use Ext.util.TaskManager
to call a function at an interval and have a friendly API and control to start/stop whenever you want, here's a simple code snippet:
var task = Ext.util.TaskManager.newTask({
interval : 600000,
scope : this,
run : function() {}
or of course you can use setInterval
setInterval(function() {
}, 6000000);