As per title, how can I grab at least 10,000 tweets given that Twitter has their own limit ?
Twitter allows 180 queries per 15 minutes. So I was planning to use Timer
and TimerTask
to set an interval and keep running the code until I get 10,000 tweets like this:
timer.schedule((TimerTask) getTweets("$FB up"),0,900000);
The problem is that, every 15 minutes it will get back the same data as the first 15 minutes. How do I make it a continuation from where it stops in the previous 15 minutes ?
Below is the function for the getTweets(String term)
int wantedTweets = 10000;
long lastSearchID = Long.MAX_VALUE;
int remainingTweets = wantedTweets;
Query query = new Query(term);
while(remainingTweets > 0)
remainingTweets = wantedTweets - tweets.size();
if(remainingTweets > 100)
QueryResult result =;
Status s = tweets.get(tweets.size()-1);
long firstQueryID = s.getId();
remainingTweets = wantedTweets - tweets.size();
for (int i=0 ; i < tweets.size() ; i++) {
b = tweets.get(i);
//System.out.println("@" + b.getUser().getScreenName() + " - " + b.getText());
catch(TwitterException te)
System.out.println("Failed to search tweets: " + te.getMessage());
return b;
Use the twitter streaming API instead