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BabylonJS : How to atach a cube to the camera?

I'm using BabylonJS to make a small game and i wan't to atach a block to my camera.
The code is :

block.parent = camera;

It's working, but now i wan't the block to follow my camera with a difference of 5 pixels on the X axe for exemple.
How can i add 5 pixels ton the X axe ? This code don't work :

block.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(5, 0, 0);
block.parent = camera;


  • The code you submitted should be working. You set the position relative to the parent object and then attach it to the parent.

    You can see a live example here - . The ground's position is the camera's position + the relative position.

    If you set the ground's position to 0 you won't see the ground, as it is exactly at the camera's viewing height.