I am using polly policy for retry attempts in the following way:
results = await Policy
retryCount: 5,
sleepDurationProvider: retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt))
.ExecuteAsync(async () => await task.Invoke());
I am using the AsyncErrorHandler to handle all the web exceptions:
public static class AsyncErrorHandler
public static void HandleException(Exception ex)
However some of the expections I would like to throw up to the GUI. With this code in place how can I prevent handling of a specific exception and instead throw it to the GUI?
[UPDATE] If I throw a specific exception inside the HandleException function I receive an Unhandled Error Message dialog in Visual Studio.
Implement it differently to only throw errors on the ones you want displayed to a user, then catch those you want to throw and do what you want with their contents (either show to user or not).
results = await Policy
retryCount: 5,
sleepDurationProvider: retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt))
.ExecuteAsync(async () => await task.Invoke());
catch (ExceptionToThrowToUser ex)
public static class AsyncErrorHandler
public static void HandleException(Exception ex)
if (ex is ExceptionToThrowToUser)
Editted for update.
For help handling errors: Best practices for catching and re-throwing .NET exceptions