Here is the context. I'm developing an Ember app, that will be embed in a Drupal page. Only problem: the menu of the app must be in the drupal page.
So I'm trying to find a way to update the url of the page (from outside the app) and to get the event of changing url inside Ember so I can then apply the route as usual.
I tried:
I have to try:
Any ideas I can get to do that ?
Thanks for your help !
I think most people will advise against doing something like this, Ember really isn't built to be smaller portions of your app controlled from the outside and doesn't provide any methods for doing so.
Dispatching a custom event that Ember is listening for might be the least gross way to go about it if you absolutely have to do this. You could pass the route name via event.detail from the custom event and then use this.transitionTo(event.detail)