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Wrapping an Expression Tree with a Logger

I'm doing some work in Expression Trees. When you call ToString() on an Expression Tree, you get a lovely bit of diagnostic text (here is a sampling):

 ((Param_0.Customer.LastName == "Doe") 
     AndAlso ((Param_0.Customer.FirstName == "John") 
     Or (Param_0.Customer.FirstName == "Jane")))

So I wrote this bit of code, in an attempt to wrap the Expression with some logging capability:

public Expression WithLog(Expression exp)
    return Expression.Block(exp, Expression.Call(
        typeof (Debug).GetMethod("Print",
            new Type [] { typeof(string) }),
        new [] { exp } ));

I half-expected the method call to infer the ToString() usage, but I suppose that's a compile-time feature. When I execute this, I get the error:

Expression of type 'System.Boolean' cannot be used for parameter of type 'System.String' of method 'Void Print(System.String)

Fair enough. But when I change it to this:

public Expression WithLog(Expression exp)
    return Expression.Block(exp, Expression.Call(
        typeof (Debug).GetMethod("Print",
            new Type [] { typeof(string) }),
        new [] { exp.ToString() } ));

It doesn't compile. Why? And what do I need to do to fix this?


  • As per my comment, it's expecting Expression[], but you've passed it string[]. You can do this, which will immediately run ToString() on exp:

    public Expression WithLog(Expression exp)
        return Expression.Block(Expression.Call(
            typeof (Debug).GetMethod("Print",
                new Type [] { typeof(string) }),
            new [] { Expression.Constant(exp.ToString()) } ), exp);

    Which yields:

    Print("c => ((c.LastName == "Doe") AndAlso ((c.FirstName == "John") OrElse (c.LastName == "Jane")))")

    Alternatively, you could change Expression.Constant(exp.ToString()) to be an invocation of ToString on exp, so that the ToString executed when you invoke the expression.

    public Expression WithLog(Expression exp)
        return Expression.Block(Expression.Call(
            typeof (Debug).GetMethod("Print",
                new Type [] { typeof(string) }),
            new [] { Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(exp), exp.GetType().GetMethod("ToString")) } ), exp);

    Which gives:

    Print(c => ((c.LastName == "Doe") AndAlso ((c.FirstName == "John") OrElse (c.LastName == "Jane"))).ToString())