I have an interface IPost and a class Post, I want to create Post from json data, in Post constructor I get the json response where the interface IPost matches it.
I mean IPost interface is generated by this great tool json2ts
json2ts : generate TypeScript interfaces from JSON
import { IPost, Title, Guid, Content, Excerpt, Embedded, Links } from './Ipost.ts';
export class Post implements IPost {
Id: number;
Date: string;
DateGmt: string;
Guid: Guid;
Modified: string;
ModifiedGmt: string;
Slug: string;
Type: string;
Link: string;
Title: Title;
Content: Content;
Excerpt: Excerpt;
Author: number;
FeaturedImage: number;
CommentStatus: string;
PingStatus: string;
Sticky: boolean;
Format: string;
Links: Links;
Embedded: Embedded;
constructor(json: any) {
var self = this;
json.subscribe(res => {
var jsonRes: any = res.json();
self = jsonRes; //something like this
Can I assign the class Post
to json directly since json is described the same as Post class!
Is there any other ways than assigning each property to its peer from json?
Just as you would JavaScript you'll have to iterate over each value, and assign that value to self, using standard loop. Assigning to self in your case, simply changes the value of self
to the json
value, it doesn't make any changes this
json.subscribe(res => {
let json = res.json();
for (var prop in obj) {
if( obj.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
this[prop] = obj[prop];
NOTE: =>
binds this
to the outer context (for example the class you're working with) to this
, so that you do not need to the intermediate self