I have app in Backand that I'm building and I'm trying to use filter parameters. When calling my API using $http
I get 406 error
in the http request.
This would be the API call, passing the filter object:
function getUserAttractions(userId) {
return $http({
method: 'GET',
url: Backand.getApiUrl() + '/1/objects/attractions',
params: {
sort: [{
"fieldName": "date",
"order": "asc"
filter: [{
"fieldName": "user_id",
"operand": "contains",
"value": "1"
First, you should use "operator" instead of "operand". If user_id is an object field then the filter should be:
filter: [{"fieldName":"user_id","operator":"in","value":"1"}]
here you can find additional documentation for other types of fields http://docs.backand.com/en/latest/apidocs/apidescription/index.html#rest-api-crud-operations
Disclaimer: I work for Backand