For the last three weeks I had my Angular website working with ui-router
and states.
Thus a state looks as follows:
.state('home', {
url: '/home',
templateUrl: '/templates/home.html',
controller:'HomeCtrl as home',
In the file home.html
, the way I added an image was by simply pointing to the img
folder as follows:
<img src="img/boo.png">
This worked all the time fine.
Now however, when I tried to run the page in my Cloud9, it said that it cannot find boo.png. However when I write:
<img src="../img/boo.png">
Then it works fine.
What could have happened that this sudden rewrite is needed?
I solved it by rewriting all
<img src="..">
<img ng-src="..">
Don't know what happened, but it works fine now.