I'm trying to modify PFUsers using Cloud Code. I have just recently been introduced to JavaScript so please forgive any blatant syntax mistakes.
Parse.Cloud.define('addWinsLosses', function(request,responce) {
var winnerUserId = request.params.winnerUserId,
loserUserId = resquest.params.loserUserId
var User = Parse.Object.extend('_User'),
winner = new User({ objectId: winnerUserId });
winner.set('wins', 1)
winner.save(null, {
success: function (winner) {
console.log("Save ok");
error: function (error) {
var User = Parse.Object.extend('_User'),
loser = new User({ objectId: loserUserId });
loser.set('losses', 1)
loser.save(null, {
success: function (loser) {
console.log("Save ok");
error: function (error) {
As you can see above I am trying to send up PFUser Id strings to then modify the specific PFUsers. I am suspecting that it is the transition from PFUser Id to PFUser pointer that is the issue here.
I'm getting this error:
[Error]: ReferenceError: resquest is not defined
at main.js:10:17 (Code: 141, Version: 1.9.1)
Optional(Error Domain=Parse Code=141 "ReferenceError: resquest is not defined
at main.js:10:17" UserInfo={code=141, error=ReferenceError: resquest is not defined
at main.js:10:17, temporary=0, NSLocalizedDescription=ReferenceError: resquest is not defined
at main.js:10:17})
The line of code that the error is referencing is this one winner.save(null, {
Here is the code in my View Controller:
PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("addWinsLosses", withParameters: ["winnerUserId" : (judgedGame.winner?.objectId)!, "loserUserId" : (judgedGame.winner?.objectId)!], block: { (result: AnyObject?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
if (error == nil) {
} else {
One other detail that I should mention is that I subclassed the PFUser which I don't believe should make a difference but I'm throwing that out there just in case.
What is the issue with my code?
You've misspelled response
as responce
in your funciton defnition.
Also, you're redefining the User
variable on line 22, but that won't cause a crash.