I have a model called Offer
and another called PurchasinGroup
has many PurchasingGroups
accepts nested attributes for PurchasingGroups
While creating an offer you can add as many PurchasingGroups as you want.
has a boolean attribute called active
while editing an Offer
you can see all the created PurchasingGroups, however I want to let the user edit only the PurchasingGroups that are active, and do not display the inactive purchasing groups.
This is my edit
action in offers_controller.rb
def edit
@offer = Offer.find(params[:id])
And this is my form (only the part that matters):
<legend>Purchasing groups</legend>
<%= f.fields_for :purchasing_groups do |builder| %>
<%= render partial: 'purchasing_group_fields', locals: { f: builder } %>
<% end %>
In the edit form all the purchasing groups are being shown for edit, I want to show only those that are active I mean purchasing_group.active == true
How is the best way to do it?
<%= f.fields_for :purchasing_groups, @offer.purchasing_groups.where(active: true) do |builder| %>
<%= render partial: 'purchasing_group_fields', locals: { f: builder } %>
<% end %>
on the other hand, you can also add a association in your model
class Offer
has_many :active_purchasing_groups, class_name: "PurchasinGroup", -> { where(active:true) }
and then
<%= f.fields_for :active_purchasing_groups do |builder| %>
<%= render partial: 'purchasing_group_fields', locals: { f: builder } %>
<% end %>