Is it possible to use different templates for 404 and 500 errors in a kraken.js application? Below is how you enable the middleware and tell it what template to use. For my application I need to use different templates depending on what section of the site the user is in.
"fileNotFound": {
"enabled": true,
"priority": 130,
"module": {
"name": "kraken-js/middleware/404",
"arguments": ["tamarin/errors/404"]
"serverError": {
"enabled": true,
"priority": 140,
"module": {
"name": "kraken-js/middleware/500",
"arguments": ["tamarin/errors/500"]
I could modify the middleware myself to accept multiple templates and some sort of logic to choose which template but I'm wondering if there is another solution.
Answered here on the kraken github repo:
For route specific 404 pages you can just the kraken 404 middleware directly on the routes you want to have different 404 templates for. Here is how I accomplished that.
var _404 = require('kraken-js/middleware/404');
module.exports = function(router) {
router.get("/:lang?/*", _404('tamarin/admin/404'), function(req, res) {
This is great because the 404 template I configured in the config.json will be the default template and for anything I want on a route by route basis can use the above approach.