I have
X = (Yt.*sin(W))-(Xt.*cos(W));
Y = (Yt.*cos(W))+(Xt.*sin(W)); % which give the coordinates X and Y.
X_inv = R.*sin(B_involute);
Y_inv = R.*cos(B_involute); % which give the coordinates X_inv and Y_inv.
I need to find the nearest two points between X
, Y
and X_inv
, Y_inv
lots of thanks from now.
You can compute the pair-wise distances efficiently using pdist2
D = pdist2( [X(:) Y(:)], [X_inv(:) Y_inv(:)] );
Once you have the pairwise distances, it is easy to find the minimal distance
[md mi] = min(D(:));
Conver linear index into pair index
[idx, inv_idx] = ind2sub( size(D), mi );
The result
fprintf(1, 'Closest points are [%d]: (%f,%f) -> [%d]: (%f,%f)\n',...
idx, X(idx), Y(idx), inv_idx, X_inv(inv_idx), Y_inv(inv_idx) );