I have searched the web for an algorithm that could calculate the value of pi in an efficient manner and I found this:
Using a calculator, I was able to calculate the first few digits of pi by hand. Then I knew that the formula works so I tried to implement it However, the output was no where near the value of pi. I then tried printing the value of k
and the output every time I incremented k
and found that the output was going from 3 to 10 then to 1 and so on. It would be appreciated if someone could point out the flaw in my program.
Here is my code:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
public class pi2 {
static MathContext mc = new MathContext(1000, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigDecimal root2=new BigDecimal("1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799");
BigDecimal a=(root2.multiply(new BigDecimal("2"))).divide(new BigDecimal("9801"),mc);
BigDecimal ans=new BigDecimal("0");
for(BigDecimal k=new BigDecimal("0");k.compareTo(new BigDecimal("2000"))<=0;k=k.add(new BigDecimal("1"))){
BigDecimal num=fact(k.multiply(new BigDecimal("4")));
num=num.multiply(new BigDecimal("1103").add(k.multiply(new BigDecimal("26390"))));
BigDecimal den=fact(k).pow(4);
den=den.multiply(new BigDecimal("396").pow(k.multiply(new BigDecimal("4")).intValueExact()));
ans=new BigDecimal("1").divide(ans,mc);
public static BigDecimal fact(BigDecimal n){
BigDecimal fact=new BigDecimal("1");
for(BigDecimal x=new BigDecimal("2");n.compareTo(x)>=0;x=x.add(new BigDecimal("1"))){
return fact;
Here is the output:
Thanks for your help.
You aren't applying the 2*sqrt(2)/9801
) at all to your equation. Essentially the variable a
is not used right now.
Simply change the end of main
method to read:
// i moved a down here because its not used above this location.
BigDecimal a = (root2.multiply(new BigDecimal("2"))).divide(new BigDecimal("9801"), mc);
ans = new BigDecimal("1").divide(ans.multiply(a), mc);
Running this on my machine prints out 3.141592