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How to get the processor serial number of Raspberry PI 2 with Windows IOT

I need to get the processor serial number of a Raspberry Pi2 that is running windows 10 IoT.


  • Usually this is within the Windows.System.Profile.HardwareIdentification namespace. Unfortunately, that's one of the unsupported namespaces with Win10 IoT Core.

    Instead, to identify the metal, I'm using info from the network adaptor(s):

        public static HashSet<string> NetworkIds()
            var result = new HashSet<string>();
            var networkProfiles = Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkInformation.GetConnectionProfiles().ToList();
            foreach (var net in networkProfiles)
            return result;

    Of course, this is not completely error proof, but, so far, the only way I can see to get a reasonably reliable device ID.