At this link
I'm trying to understand why do I (may) need @JsonTypeName
on subclasses (like all 'internet; sujests to put) if it works without it ?
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "aType")
new Type(value = classOf[ModelA], name = "ModelA"),
new Type(value = classOf[ModelB], name = "ModelB")
class BaseModel(val modelName:String)
//@JsonTypeName("SomeModel") // Commented. Do I need this?
class ModelA(val a:String, val b:String, val c:String, commonData:String) extends BaseModel(commonData) {
def this() = this("default", "default", "default" ,"default")
//@JsonTypeName("SomeModel") // Commented. Do I need this?
class ModelB(val a:String, val b:String, val c:String, commonData:String) extends BaseModel(commonData) {
def this() = this("default", "default", "default" ,"default")
You don't need them.
The documentation of @JsonSubTypes.Type
Definition of a subtype, along with optional name. If name is missing, class of the type will be checked for JsonTypeName annotation; and if that is also missing or empty, a default name will be constructed by type id mechanism. Default name is usually based on class name.
You should have either
new Type(value = classOf[ModelA], name = "ModelA")
class ModelA
new Type(value = classOf[ModelA])
class ModelA