I have an EaselJS Shape
object that contains cached graphics instructions, which are really expensive. Every frame I draw more graphics into the cache using myShape.updateCache("source-overlay");
, so they'll not need to be redrawn the next frame.
But I want to remove the oldest cached graphics after 1 second, so I thought about creating a buffer
Bitmap object, copy the cache from myShape
into buffer
's image
property, clear myShape
current cache and continue drawing new graphics to it, then after 1 second clear the buffer.
Hard to explain, I know, but simplifying things up:
var myShape = new createjs.Shape();
var buffer = new createjs.Bitmap();
myShape.cache(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight);
stage.addChild(myShape, buffer);
function tick () {
myShape.graphics.s("#F00").lt(Math.random() * 100, Math.random() * 100);
buffer.alpha = 1;
buffer.image = myShape.getCacheDataURL();
createjs.Tween.get(buffer).to({alpha: 0}, 1000);
The problem is that myShape
's cache won't appear as buffer
's source image. Why?
A quick solution from Grant Skinner for cloning a cache:
var bmp = new createjs.Bitmap(shape.cacheCanvas)
var cache2 = bmp.cacheCanvas;
Discussion here: https://github.com/CreateJS/EaselJS/issues/701#issuecomment-160349081